the blog, continued
Friday, February 29, 2008
Been a week since I last posted, and I really didn't have much to say in the past 7 days so there. A lack of ramblings can either mean I'm getting used to whatever used to be bitch-worthy around me so there's no need to specially mention them anymore, or maybe my life is just getting way too boring.

It definitely feels like the excitement-o-meter on JR's life is plateau-ing though. Questions like 'how are you' and 'how's your day' can largely be replied with 'same old' almost every day. Does this signify, as my friend mentioned, a quarter-life crisis? I really don't want to spice up my life by buying models of Lamborghinis (since I can't afford a real one) or dyeing my hair bright green or getting a nipple piercing. Perhaps I just have to find more meaning in the things that I do again.

Or maybe I just need a person to show me the meaning of my life.