the blog, continued
Friday, February 8, 2008
and the most fertile is--
Happy Lunar New Year to all! I'd expect all the Chinese to be binging on pineapple tarts, melon seeds, loveletters, peanut cookies, kueh bangkit, belachan shrimp rolls and blah blah blah now. So since all of us is immersed in our very Chinese traditions this period of time, let's talk about something Chinese!

Earlier I was wiki-ing what my friend's Hokkien surname is in Mandarin and came across this article showing the most common Chinese surnames in China as of 2006, using a sample size of 296 million people. Here comes the top 10!
1. 李 6. 杨
2. 王 7. 黄
3. 张 8. 赵
4. 刘 9. 周
5. 陈 10. 吴

My surname is number 18 woot! Not bad, and it shows how fertile people with these surnames are. Hah. Once again 恭喜发财 and 身体健康 to all and I hope no one balloons up after the New Year!